Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Goodbye to Yesterday...

In case you haven't checked yet, your grades are now posted. Enjoy your summer!
Warm Enough For Shorts, Kevin?Stef's Rocking OutShhh... Dominique's Sleeping!

Don't Ever Change!!!

Also, Clean Out Your Inbox

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Own Your Ignorance

Here's an excerpt from a podcast I listen to called Jordan, Jesse GO! Two guys in their twenties are jovially discussing a favorite topic of mine: owning your ignorance.

Other sincerely awesome stuff from them is available at Maximum Fun.

New Sincerity

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

News You Can Use

Here are some links on advertising and news. The first is about the underlying intellectual dishonesty in even the most honest of ad campaigns. By the way, if you're into advertising, that entire blog is great. I'm a bit biased, though, since I used to work for Bob Garfield.

The second is a radio interview with the director of, a website devoted to debunking claims in political ads. I also used to work with the guy who interviewed FactCheck's director. Yup, I'm a pretty big deal.

Now for some news stuff. Lots of people worry about conservative or liberal news media bias. But there are several interesting biases that are much less talked about. Here's a discussion of the bias toward anything that's dangerous.

What's so important about news anyway? Here's an interesting argument against caring so much about current events.

Lies in News?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Penguin Digestion Experts? You Bet!

So you didn't believe me when I said that there are experts on the subject of penguin digestion? Oh, you did? Fine, well, I'll prove it to you, anyway. Here are some academic articles on the topic:

Of course, no list would be complete without the often-cited, groundbreaking 1985 Ornis Scandinavica article:
Perhaps my favorite, though, is the following:
If any of these articles are above your head (I think they're all above mine!), you might like this, uh, simpler video demonstration of penguin digestion.