Tuesday, March 11, 2008

That's An Ad Hominem, You Jerk

Here's a cartoon on the ad hominem fallacy and hypocrisy.
Gore, you Ignorant Slut
(Click on the comic to enlarge)

Get to studying, you ignorant sluts.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Homework #2

Homework #2 is due at the beginning of class on Monday, March 10th. The assignment is to answer Problems 1-15 (except DON'T do #9 or #12) in Exercise 4-1 on pages 86-88 of our textbook.

Also, the due date for paper #1 has been pushed back to Wednesday, March 12th. The midterm will still be on Friday, March 14th. We'll be reviewing for the midterm in class on Wednesday.

(If you read this, write "Why is anything anything?" at the bottom of your homework to receive some extra points on the assignment.)
Just You Wait, Henry Higgins, Just You Wait

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fallacies, Fallacies, Everywhere

My best friend the inter-net has some nice examples of the fallacy of equivocation. Here are two good ones:

All jackasses have long ears.
Karl is a jackass.
Therefore, Karl has long ears.
Margarine is better than nothing.
Nothing is better than butter.
Therefore margarine is better than butter.
Also, speaking of non sequiturs, here's a cute cat picture:

Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

Wait, we weren't just speaking of non sequit--Oh. I see what you did there.
